The next STELLAR seminar lecture will be by Jeremy Rigney of DIAS. His online seminar will be held on Monday, November 14 2022, at 13:00h CET, over Zoom (connection details below).
“The Sun and the (Low Mass) Stars: Searching for Radio Flares and CMEs on M Dwarfs”
Jeremy Rigney
Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies & Armagh Observatory and Planetarium
Zoom link:
M dwarfs are low mass stars less than half the mass of the Sun, which make up over 70% of the stellar population. Many of these M dwarfs are highly convective rapid rotators, driving high levels of activity in the form of flares thousands of times larger than those observed on the Sun. Observing M dwarfs at various different wavelengths can provide a better understanding of their similarities and differences from the Sun, and how their activity may be impacting orbiting exoplanets. In particular, low frequency radio emission observations may provide evidence for high energy stellar coronal mass ejections, which would be catastrophic for the habitability of exoplanets. This talk will focus on the solar-stellar connection, trying to understand radio emission from the Sun and applying this understanding to radio emission and activity on low mass stars.