The STELLAR Lecture Series on Radio Astronomy are an important part of the STELLAR project, aiming to educate astronomers and engineers in Bulgaria about radio astronomy. Check this page for regular lecture offers.
March 28-April 1, 2022 – Advanced Digital Signal Processing for Radio Astronomy
The second part of the free short intensive course, entitled “Phased Array Digital Signal Processing II” by Ronald de Wild from The Netherlands Institute of Radio Astronomy (ASTRON). Important topics to be discussed include 1) DFT and FFT, 2) spatial signal processing, and 3) multi-rate signal processing.
The course will take place over five consecutive days, and will be hosted by the Technical University Sofia.
The course is limited to 30 participants.
Certificates of Attendance will be issued to all participants who attend the full course.
Click here to sign up for the course.

About the Lecturer: Mr. Ronald de Wild is an engineer working in the research and development department of ASTRON. His main expertise is in the area of telecommunication systems specification and implementation. His skills include, transmission concepts such as (de)modulation, noise quantisation, and switching concepts like routing, queuing. Mr. de Wild is also an expert of signal processing algorithms and architectures, such as data path (Fourier), control path design and test methodologies.
October 4-8, 2021 – Digital Signal Processing for Radio Astronomy
We are pleased to offer a free short intensive course entitled “Phased Array Digital Signal Processing” by Ronald de Wild from The Netherlands Institute of Radio Astronomy (ASTRON).
The course will take place on five full consecutive days (4-8 October, 2021), at the Technical University Sofia.
Exact location: https://library.tu-sofia.bg/university/12
The course is limited to 30 participants. Certificates of Attendance will be issued to all participants who attend the full course.
All lecture notes from this course are available here.
In the course on Phased Array Digital Signal Processing, digital signal processing basics, as well as specific subjects of processing for phased array system are revisited.

About the Lecturer: Mr. Ronald de Wild is an engineer working in the research and development department of ASTRON. His main expertise is in the area of telecommunication systems specification and implementation. His skills include, transmission concepts such as (de)modulation, noise quantisation, and switching concepts like routing, queuing. Mr. de Wild is also an expert of signal processing algorithms and architectures, such as data path (Fourier), control path design and test methodologies.
July 12-15, 2021 – Space Weather Workshop
As part of the STELLAR project, DIAS will be hosting a workshop on space weather with a radio twist. This workshop will trace space weather phenomenon from their solar origins, propagation through the low corona, out into the heliosphere and finally possible interactions with planetary bodies. The workshop is aimed at early career stage researchers or those unfamiliar with space weather.
Participants of the school will gain both theoretical and practical knowledge of space weather phenomenon and their signatures in observations. In particular, the sessions after lunch are dedicated to hands on exercises which cover data discovery and download, analysis, and visualisation using the python scientific stack (numpy, sicpy, astropy, sunpy e.t.c.)
The lectures and tutorials from the STELLAR Space Weather Workshop, held July 12-15, 2021, are now available for free viewing online on DIAS’ YouTube channel:
February 15-19, 2021 – Introduction to Antennas course
We are pleased to offer a free online short course entitled “Introduction to Antennas”, by Dr. David Prinsloo from The Netherlands Institute of Radio Astronomy (ASTRON). The course will take place on three days (February 15, 17, 19, 2021), between 13h-16h CET. It will be streamed over Webex.

About the Lecturer: Dr. David Prinsloo is a researcher with the Smart Front-ends Group at the Innovations and Systems department of The Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy. His primary research interest is on antenna designs for both phased array and reflector-based radio telescopes. In addition to the design and electromagnetic modelling of antennas for various radio telescope projects, he regularly gives lectures on antennas to students with various backgrounds. He also holds a guest researcher position with Eindhoven University of Technology where he acts as supervisor to post-graduate students within the Centre for Wireless Technology at the department of Electrical Engineering.

The STELLAR project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 952439. It is coordinated by the Institute of Astronomy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.