Author: Kamen Kozarev

Registration for the DIAS Space Weather Workshop, 12-15 July, is now open!

As part of the STELLAR project, DIAS will be hosting a workshop on space weather with a radio twist. This workshop will trace space weather phenomenon from their solar origins, propagation through the low corona, out into the heliosphere and finally possible interactions with planetary bodies. The workshop is aimed at early career stage researchers or those unfamiliar with […]

Измервания на потенциалната LOFAR-BG локация

С началото на новата 2021 година започна работа по обследване на най-подходящата локация за LOFAR-BG станцията. Обикновено колегите от Нидерландия (ASTRON) пътуват до държавата, в която ще се изгражда нова станция за провеждане на измервания, но заради пандемичната обстановка това не беше възможно. Вместо това, екип на ИА с НАО и ТУ под наставленията на […]

Успешен курс “Увод в антените”!

Първата дейност по проекта STELLAR се случи през месец февруари! Курсът “Увод в антените”, планиран да се проведе в института ASTRON в Нидерландия за до шест участника (преподаватели, изследователи, и студенти) от Института по астрономия на БАН и Техническия университет-София, беше превърнат в онлайн курс заради пандемията от коронавирус. Курсът беше посетен от 57 участника […]

LOFAR Data School 2021

The LOFAR Data Processing School was hosted on 22-26 March 2021 online at ASTRON. The school provided a basic overview of the telescope and its science together with dedicated technical tutorials for data retrieval, pre-processing and visualisation. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the school was shaped into an online event. The processing school counted more […]

The “Intro to Antennas” class was a success!

The first activity of the STELLAR project took place in mid-February! The Introduction to Antennas course, originally planned to be held at ASTRON (in Dwingeloo, The Netherlands) for up to six people (faculty, researchers, and students) from the Institute of Astronomy (BAS) and the Technical University of Sofia, was transformed into an online course due […]

Антените за тестване на LOFAR-BG локациите са тук!

Коледата идва, и ние от Института по астрономия наскоро получихме дълго чакана пратка от Нидерландия – голям сандък с тестовите антени за нашата бъдеща LOFAR-BG станция 🙂 След като внимателно ги разопаковахме и прегледахме, ги предадохме на доц. Петър Петков от Катедрата по телекомуникации и видеотехнологии на Техническия университет за тестване и подготвяне на измервателната […]

LOFAR-BG Accepted in the Updated National Roadmap for Scientific Infrastructure!

The LOFAR-BG infrastructure project, coordinated by the Institute of astronomy and National Astronomical Observatory (IANAO), was recently approved for inclusion into the updated National Roadmap for Scientific Infrastructure 2021-2027! We are very pleased with this successful outcome. In the next 13 years, the project execution foresees the building and development of a Bulgarian observational station […]

The STELLAR Project Approved!

We would like to share the wonderful news that our project proposal “Scientific and Technological Excellence by Leveraging LOFAR Advancements in Radio Astronomy” (STELLAR) to the H2020-WIDESPREAD-05-2020-Twinning program has been approved by the European Commission with funding of nearly 900 000 Euro! The STELLAR project duration will be three years. Its main goal is to […]

The STELLAR Project Approved!

We would like to share the wonderful news that our project proposal “Scientific and Technological Excellence by Leveraging LOFAR Advancements in Radio Astronomy” (STELLAR) to the H2020-WIDESPREAD-05-2020-Twinning program has been approved by the European Commission with funding of nearly 900 000 Euro! The STELLAR project duration will be three years. Its main goal is to […]

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