A dedicated website on the LOFAR efforts in Bulgaria has already been set up with an url: https://lofar.bg. During the project, the web-site structure has been enriched, translated in English, and duly updated with sections describing the STELLAR projects aims, WPs and Tasks, project team members, news on upcoming conferences and LOFAR data schools, press-releases, etc.
The maintenance of the website will continue after the official end of the project in order to post updates about the national contribution to LOFAR-related science, international collaboration activities and outcomes, as well as the local efforts towards the establishment of Bulgarian LOFAR station.
We have achieved the planned tasks of updating the lofar.bg website and introducing information on the STELLAR project. We have translated the webpage in English, and enhanced the description of LOFAR and the LOFAR-BG effort. The website now has a section dedicated to the STELLAR project with pages on: STELLAR Objectives, STELLAR Work packages and Tasks, Consortium organizations and Team members, the STELLAR Lecture series (what we call the recorded online training events of the project); and the newly established STELLAR Seminar series (a series of online seminars dedicated to the research of STELLAR team members and collaborators, at no cost to the project). In addition, we continuously update the News section of the website.