The organization of the summer school was completed by the IANAO team. As a suitable venue was selected, a room at the Sofia Tech Park.
According to the STELLAR schedule, the summer school took place for one week in May 2023, from 22nd to 26th. The IANAO and TUS teams coordinated both schools to be held in subsequent weeks in order to facilitate potential participation in both events. The selection of participants was done by the LOC team at IANAO based on the provided CVs and motivation during the application process. The majority of the applicants were approved for attendance at the summer school. English knowledge and familiarity with python was required. The participants used their own laptops. The technical assistants at IANAO created user accounts on the IANAO servers that were used throughout the school. Additional hardware resources were purchased and delivered to the school, in order to meet the heavy requirements for processing radio astronomical data. Specialized radio astronomy software was installed on Singularity containers, as well as Jupyter notebooks to access it, were set up prior to the school. The procedure was proven successful and the same settings were utilized for the last summer school under the project, under WP4.
The main topics included:
1. Radio astronomy at low frequencies
2. The LOFAR telescope and observing with it
3. LOFAR data inspection and initial reduction
4. Science with LOFAR – from the Epoch of reionization to the present-day Solar system
5. Hands-on practicals with interferometric and beamformed data.
The final program of the summer school is available at the project web-site, in a dedicated sub-page