The postdoctoral researcher hired under the STELLAR project, Dr. Peijin Zhang, has contributed tremendously to the development of local know-how and transfer of the LOFAR-related knowledge and expertise from the advanced ASTRON and DIAS organizations to IANAO, where he was hired. He not only performed excellent research together with the Bulgarian, Dutch, and Irish colleagues working on solar and heliospheric science, but also developed and delivered lectures and informal training workshops.
One of the main goals of Dr. Zhang’s tenure at the IANAO was to provide informal training to Bulgarian students and researchers. Together with him, the management of the project decided right away that it would be most beneficial to retain the knowledge provided for future students and scientists. Thus, Dr. Zhang developed a three-part detailed tutorial on LOFAR data, imaging modes, and analysis of observations, which serves as the basis for hands-on processing and analysis of observations.
Dr. Peijin Zhang has contributed significantly to the two science schools organized at the end of the STELLAR project. During the LOFAR Science Summer School (22-26 May, 2023), Dr. Zhang gave an online lecture ‘Raw data quality assessment’. In addition, he led a full practice session ‘Imaging – Quality assessment of calibrated data & wsclean’.